Friday, April 25, 2008

GM Shoot for Plug In

It’s been a while since our last post, so here’s what’s been going on.

Back in March, KINETO was approached by McCann-Erickson Worldwide to do a shoot for GM. This year, GM is will be sponsoring a concert series called "Plug In" involving festivals such as Rothbury, Lollapalooza, and Pinkpop - basically, an eclectic collaboration of the best international music festivals around. The concept involved shooting three “band members” on a green screen, adding a lot of graphic development, and then editing and manipulating the subjects to create an old-school meets new-school quality. The ad is the introduction to the concert series website. The graphics, band members, and overall look of the intro will be used throughout the year as part of the GMNext “Plug In” branding. The project was a lot of fun to take on and we enjoyed working with McCann to pull everything together. Here’s just a look at what it took to get “Plug In” on its feet.

The initial idea was drafted to look something like this:

After reworking the idea, the concept was changed to involve a drummer rather than a saxist and to make the musicians appear as a garage band. Maht Paulos was cast as the drummer, Liz Lightfoot as our singer, and Josh Aker was cast as the guitarist (and provided the music). We owe plenty of thanks to Matt McLelland for his bursting graphics and his ability to adjust and refashion each intricate design whenever it was needed (sorry, Matt). Also, thank you to Coal Umbrella for the great clothes. After long hours of planning, keying, editing, designing, and revising, HERE is the finished product.

Check it out and let us know what you think!

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